My Amateur Radio callsign is VK2SN.
I first received my Amateur Radio Licence in 1982 at the age of 16 years old. Within 12 months, I worked through all the levels from Novice to Full Call. When I lived in the State of Victoria - (VK3) my call signs were - VK3PNS, VK3KNS, VK3CSN and then my Full Call licence of VK3SN.
In 1993, I moved to New South Wales (VK2) where I applied for and obtained the call sign of VK2SN.
My focus is Earth-Moon-Earth Transmission on 2m and 70cm and on HF - Slow Scan Televison (SSTV), FT8-WSJT-x, SSB and Morse Code (CW).
I use the Ham Radio Deluxe program
(HRD) as the Digital platform and Radio control program.
The HRD Program includes the Digital Master Program DM-780 which is used for SSTV, PSK31, RTTY and other Digital modes.
I use the WSJT-x FT8 program for working FT8 Digital mode and use the JT Alert program to alert me of new Maidenhead Grid's and to automatically upload new contacts and Grids into the HRD Logbook.
I also use the Gridtracker program to track my FT8 Grids.
My current equipment consists of a Yaesu FT897 (Main Radio - HF and Digital modes), a Yaesu FT817 (Portable) and a Yaesu FT VX8 (Portable) also a Kenwood TS2000X (EME Dedicated)
HF Antenna is a simple 20M Dipole for this location of Maiden Grid Square QF56PD.
My current EME Antenna and set up is detailed in the EME section of this website.
My Band preferences are:
HF - 40m and 20m
VHF/EME - 2m and 70cm.
My favourite mode is Morse Code - CW.
Sean Neylon - VK2SN